quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2015

Why "Abby the Vampire Slayer" should happen

Guys, I had this awesome idea of doing another Buffy-related TV series. Here is a list of reasons why "Abby the Vampire Slayer" could happen in the future, and why would it be an amazing production...

1. Joss Whedon always wanted to expand the Buffyverse since the end of "Angel" series. For a moment, we thought after both Angel and Buffy ended that Joss would team up again with Eliza Dushku to film a new show called "Faith the Vampire Slayer", but that idea poofed away as Eliza couldn't shoot anything due the shooting of another project that she was on. Then, a few years later, Buffy and Angel comics were released to us fans and also a Spike comic, with an original story of James Marsters himself. Joss wanted to make a Spike TV show, probably called "William The Bloody" or just "Spike" but that project didn't happened aswell due problems and rights with "Dark Horse" comics. Joss is looking for a way to Buffy be the new black again since

2. Buffy started the vampire/demon/werewolf/monster fashion a long time ago. Since Buffy, a lot of monster movies or series began to be "in" right now and with all the shows like The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Dracula, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Underworld, My Babysitter is a Vampire, Twillight, etc... It makes perfect sense to want the one who started it all back on screen after so long. And since Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brandon, David Boreanaz and other cast members are kinda too old to play kick-ass mother fucking bad-asses every week, we should have a new cast with a new story to take on

3. The show would inspire this new generation to watch both Buffy and Angel series. I mean, let's be honest here, Buffy and Angel are both awesome TV shows and have a great amount of fame but as the years pass, it's losing all credibility due:
I- Having kinda crappy special effects compared to the ones we have in other movies/shows now this days
II- Most people don't even want to give it a shot because of the name. I mean, what the hell kind of name is Buffy?
III- This new generation thinks the show sucks for being old
IV- Some people start watching and stop in episode 5 or 6. Because, let's be honest here... Season 1 is kind of boring and childish

4. Buffy is being completely underated these days. We, Buffyverse fans have to save the best show in the world! We have to take it and put it deep inside all hearts in all the people in the world. We have to save our fandom!

5. Joss Whedon is a genious and everyone should love everything he does. From Buffy the Vampire Slayer to the Avengers, Joss is the most awesome person in the world and he should be known more for it. Vote Joss for the King of Geeks!

So guys, if you could pass this on in hope that it gets to Joss, Mutant Enemy, Dark Horse Comics and whoever the hell is in charge. Please do! Let's save Buffy!

"Some say they wanna make the world a better place by recycling, cleaning and sparing water. I say I wanna make the world a better place by doing all of that, plus introducing people to Buffy The Vampire Slayer"

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